NURTW Crisis: Osogbo Protest Unconstitutional, Show of Shame - Adeshina

The Zone 2 Council of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, NURTW, has condemned the protest carried out by some individuals against the National President of the Union, Tajudeen Ibikunle Baruwa in Osogbo, Osun State on last Wednesday,the  24 May 2023.

The Zone 2 Council described the protest as unconstitutional and a show of shame.

NURTW National Zonal Secretary, Comrade Olayioye Adeshina, in a press statement entitled ; ' A MACABRE DANCE AND A NAKED SHOW OF SHAME', lambasted the press conferenceconducted by some ludicrous fellows parading themselves as elders and members of NURTW in the Southwest of the country”

Recall that some individuals claiming to be stakeholders of the union converged on the Southwest Zonal Secretariat in Osogbo yesterday to pass ‘a vote of no confidence’ on Baruwa and to also endorse Tajudeen Agbede as the sole candidate in the congress of the union coming up in July.

They accused the incumbent president of maladministration with allegation that he was planning to hold an illegal congress which will enable him to remain in office beyond July 2023 when his four-year tenure expires.

However, Adeshina said those individuals who, according to him, are no longer members of NURTW not only danced nakedly and shamelessly in the public glare but equally displayed their crass ignorance and lack of knowledge of the union’s constitution and its operating statutes.

Adeshina said for the purpose of clarity, certain issues had to be put into proper perspective while urging the general public most especially the teeming members of NURTW in the Southwest “not to be deterred by the unwholesome attitude, behaviour and conduct of these few individuals but to continue to have belief in the administration of Alhaji Tajudeen Ibikunle Baruwa.

The zone 2 Council said the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) is a trade union registered under the law and with free entry and free exit of any member, added that the elements masquerading themselves as elders in the Southwest and their followers have exited the union voluntarily and joined the Park and Garages management.

The statement reads...

'The attention of the zone 2 council of NURTW has been drawn to a news item/a press conference conducted by some ludicrous fellows parading themselves as elders and members of our great union in the southwest of Nigeria.

These individuals not only danced nakedly and shamelessly in the public glare, but equally displayed their crass ignorance and lack of  knowledge of the union's constitution and its operating statutes.

For the purpose of clarity , certain issues has to be put into proper perspectives before the public 

National Union of Road Transort Workers (NURTW) is a trade union registered under the law and with free entry and free exist of any member. 

The elements masquerading themselves as elders in the southwest and their followers have exited the union voluntarily and joined the park and garages management. 

Efforts to make them see reasons proved abortive. Elements such as Com. Stephen Falusi, Alh. Moshood Ajao as well as Mrs Lemboye cannot claim to be elders of the union but were hitherto employees of the union who have since retired and collected their gratuities.

Equally, sponsors of these idiosyncrasies are people who promoted and sponsored park management system in their different states and particularly the supposed Alh. Tajudeen Agbede who was mentioned in the press release was actually the announcer of park management in Lagos and his conduct ever since has been detrimental to the very essence of the union in the southwest and rather than blaming Alhaji ibikunle Baruwa for the woes of the zone, accusing fingers should be directed at these elements who should be charged for anti-union activities.

The processes of the zonal delegate conference is well enshrined in the nurtw constitution as contained in Article 42, sections 4(iv) and this portion of the constitution is been adhered to by the NHQ and the zone 2 council of  the union. People cannot not just hijack the union through the back door. The inherent system in the nurtw, allows for law and order and people who have exited the union cannot partake in its activities and this is the crux of the matter, “you cannot eat your cake and have it”.

The problem of the southwest were inflicted by these so called hungry protesters and their sponsors who are driven by greed . 

Lastly we urged the entire public most especially our teeming members  in south- West not to be deterred by the unwholesome attitudes, behaviours  and conducts of these few individuals but to continue to have belief in the administration of Alh. Tajudeen Ibikunle Baruwa.'


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